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Jazda konna, Natural Horsemanship, kursy jeździeckie - wszystko o koniach :: Monty Roberts (EQUUS), Silversand (SNH), Parelli (PNH), kasety szkoleniowe, książki, kursy je, ko, lon, uje, jazda, konna, jazda konna, kon, konie, jeździectwo, jezdziectwo, Andrzej Makacewicz, konie, kuce, pony, jazda konna, jazdakonna, jeździectwo, western, jezdziectwo, hippika, hipika, hippica, stajnie, stadniny, kluby jeździeckie, ośrodki jeździeckie, skoki przez przeszkody, ujeżdżenie, konie, rajdy, pensjonat, hotel, pzj, ozj, rumaki, kowale, podkuwacze, weterynarze, lekarze weterynarii, sklepy, sprzęt jeździecki, akcesoria, transport, koniowóz, przyczepy, hodowla, hipoterapia, wczasy w siodle, agroturyzm, agroturystyka, rekreacja, sport, wakacje, agrowczasy, rajdy, kuligi, inseminacja, sztuczna inseminacja, szkoły, technikum, rymarze, western, araby, xx, oo, Natural, Horsemanship, Natural Horsemanship, jeźziectwo, hippika, kursy jeździeckie, wszystko o koniach, Monty Roberts, Silversand, SNH, Parelli, PNH, kasety szkoleniowe, książki, kursy
Jeździectwo Naturalne Bez Tajemnic
Hippika - Natural Horsemanship

JNBT Academy courses MB dressage
Considering the Horse 2017 trophy goes to ....Italy!
Considering the Horse 2017 trophy goes to ....Italy! Marco Pagliai is the new Champion!
dodano: 27.08.2017
Considering the Horse 2017, 18-20.08 south Poland
South of Poland, 18-20.08 in Karpacz we invite all riders, horse breeders and just animal lovers for most unique eight edition event Considering the Horse. Three european trainers will challenge in colt starting on 3 roundpens. Emotions, learning, fun, shows, presentations , on-line presentation from USA, horses, dogs and other animals. All about how horses and other animals learn.
dodano: 06.07.2017
Wild Horses Roundup and Start Up adventure
Starving for horseback adventure? We have in Poland bigest in Europe wild horses herd . 4 days exiting adventure in rounduping and starting wild horses!
dodano: 24.05.2017
New workshops in Academy program
New workshops are available in Academy program this year. Advanced Stops and Flying Change, one day workshops give you a chance to raise your skills far ahead. Why? Lectures, practicing from the ground and saddle work plus strenght of JNBT Academy Relation Based Program speed up horse and rider development.
dodano: 24.05.2017
Gold for Geronimo braves
Geronimo Team trained by JNBT won double gold on National Expo in Poznań. Two stallions from Geronimo center were judged best in 2 days competition. Congratulations!
dodano: 24.05.2017
Kids and juniors summer camps
We have four summer riding camps for kids and juniors in July. Full of riding, fun and enjoying of natur.
dodano: 06.02.2017
Considering the Horse 2016, 19-21.08 South Poland
In this VII edition of colt starting challenge Considering the Horse our guest will be:Kate Mably- UK;Angelika Schneider-Italy,3* Instructor in Parelli Naturalhorsemanship (PNH);Thierry Dhaussy-France, race and sport horses trainer; Ireneusz Szlachta-Poland, colt starting trainer
dodano: 15.08.2016
JNBT School Representative in Australia
We found Australian horsemanship market as great one. There is a nice opportunity to refresh it with JNBT unique training program. Therefore we decided to have our permanent representative person in Victoria.
dodano: 08.01.2016
Discovering Australian Horsemanship
Great horses in training, nice welcoming, good riders, helpfull friends, good riding centers with great people, wondering number of horses like on thoroughbred penisula, same problems and solutions all over the world. We will be back with JNBT program soon! Thanks Australia!
dodano: 05.01.2016
Brumbies-Australian wild horses
To train Brumbies is a privilage. Great horses and this, even shutten from helicoopter, get a chance for second live. Freighten, a bit danger but step by step start to trust to human. JNBT program works same with polish wild horses as with brumbies or dressage warmblood or Arabian or whatever is a horse. They starving for surviving and trying to understand us as a human. Natural horsemanship training is one of the best answer.
dodano: 17.12.2015
Jednym z powodów dlaczego konie i ptaki są szczęśliwe jest to, że nie marnują zbyt dużo czasu na wywieranie co dzień wrażenia na innych ptakach i koniach.

Dale Carnegie
Chcę otrzymywać  Newsletter
Program and clinics

 JNBT Academy 2019 Program

JNBT Academy program (film)

JNBT Academy program (download ppt)

Colt starting and correction training  

Balance and natural seat workshops 

Trailer Loading workshops

Foals Imprint Training

Double lunging

Bit Fitting workshops

About Andrzej - the Academy Master

Upcoming Clinics and Courses 2019

10-12.05 L3 Łagów,lubuskie

17-19.05 L1 Gniezno,wlkp

Summer Camps 2019

29.06-06.07  L0 kids camp (film)

29.06-06.07  L1 kids and juniors

06-13.07 L2 juniors (film)

13-20.07 L3/4 juniors (film)

20-27.07  L4/L5 juniors

3-10.08  L1/L5 adults

15-17.08 L3 Wrocław

18.08 Balance and Sit, Wrocław (film)

16-18.08 L1 Szwajcaria

23-25.08 L1 Kraków

30.08-1.09 I European Colt Starting Championship, Karpacz (film 2018 , film 2016)

6-8.09 L1 Sztum, pomorskie

6-8.09 L2 Gorzów

20-22.09 L3 Świnoujście

20-22.09 L4 Kraków

23.09 Trailer Loading Kraków

27-29.09 L3 Pilchowo, Szczecin

27-29.09 L2 Kraków

30.09 Doublelunging II stopnia Kraków

4-6.10 PMK Kalitnik

11-13.10 L1 Tarnów

16-23.10. MOROKO Atlantic Coast

25-27.10 PMK Pilchowo

15-17.11 L3 Kraków

22-30.11 SAHARA Moroko


JNBT Kids Camp 2014 film

Looking for best bits?

Exercising JNBT at Liberty film

Level 1 Trust-film