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Jazda konna, Natural Horsemanship, kursy jeździeckie - wszystko o koniach :: Monty Roberts (EQUUS), Silversand (SNH), Parelli (PNH), kasety szkoleniowe, książki, kursy je, ko, lon, uje, jazda, konna, jazda konna, kon, konie, jeździectwo, jezdziectwo, Andrzej Makacewicz, konie, kuce, pony, jazda konna, jazdakonna, jeździectwo, western, jezdziectwo, hippika, hipika, hippica, stajnie, stadniny, kluby jeździeckie, ośrodki jeździeckie, skoki przez przeszkody, ujeżdżenie, konie, rajdy, pensjonat, hotel, pzj, ozj, rumaki, kowale, podkuwacze, weterynarze, lekarze weterynarii, sklepy, sprzęt jeździecki, akcesoria, transport, koniowóz, przyczepy, hodowla, hipoterapia, wczasy w siodle, agroturyzm, agroturystyka, rekreacja, sport, wakacje, agrowczasy, rajdy, kuligi, inseminacja, sztuczna inseminacja, szkoły, technikum, rymarze, western, araby, xx, oo, Natural, Horsemanship, Natural Horsemanship, jeźziectwo, hippika, kursy jeździeckie, wszystko o koniach, Monty Roberts, Silversand, SNH, Parelli, PNH, kasety szkoleniowe, książki, kursy
Jeździectwo Naturalne Bez Tajemnic
Hippika - Natural Horsemanship

JNBT Academy courses MB dressage
Visiting Denmark
Our visit in Danmark resulted with Level 1 courses 30th of May and 14th of June. See you then in Kopenhagen.
dodano: 14.05.2019
Visiting UK
It looks like all really enjoyed our UK visit! We work on the first course Relation Level 1 Trust 5-7.07 in UK . See you then !
dodano: 09.05.2019
L1 Course in Peer, Belgium
L1 Course - Trust at Domein Panhof. How it was?
dodano: 13.04.2019
Visiting Belgium
Horse Awareness was a nice event in Domain Panhof riding center in Belgium. We make a show and presentation. Our stand was preety busy and we have a lot of fun presenting what JNBT Academy can offer. In 2 weeks we will be back with first course Level 1. See you again.
dodano: 10.04.2019
Level 1 is Trust
Over 11 000 students completed Level L1 Trust course of our Academy. This last in Kracow University riders called metamorphosis. Why? Becauce they see what a change in relations of riders- horses occur in 3 days training. Kicking, fighting, escaping dissaper and trusted soft and clear communication was born with happy bonded with riders horses.
dodano: 10.04.2019
Stops-How to train your horse for engaged stops
To train your horse for engaged stops you rather want to have a horse willing with hearth and trusted understanding your cues for command STOP.! No force, no pulling no fear! Then instead of slowing (or sometime not) horse will put full of own power of energy to stop on engaded hind. We trained one day group of riders in Bieszczady Mountain showing the path of excercises to improve stops. A lot of fun but also full day heavy training.
dodano: 10.04.2019
To do or not to do foals imprint training?
Foals early learning dr Robert Miller is more and more popular after 35 years of experience in thousands. What we can achieve, where is a risk, how does it impact future trainings, to do or not to do? You can find answers in our article.
dodano: 05.03.2019
Horse digestive tract
There is a lot of mysterys about proper horse feeding. What a different is beetwen our nad horse digestive tracts?
dodano: 05.03.2019
Winter JNBT training camp
Winter training camp for riders starts 12 of January. It will be located south of Poland in the mountain in Karpacz. We will have great facilities with inside training arena and wonderfull trail riding surroundings. Welcome!
dodano: 01.01.2019
How to choose a bit article in Horse Planet
How to choose a bit is one of the most important question what every rider should answer himself. A lot of information could be helpfull in serie of articles in Horse Planet magazine is written by Andrzej Makacewicz JNBT Academy master.
dodano: 08.12.2018
W Jeździectwie Naturalnym nie jest problemem praca z koniem ale uporanie sie z samym sobą.

Andrzej Makacewicz
Chcę otrzymywać  Newsletter
Program and clinics

 JNBT Academy 2019 Program

JNBT Academy program (film)

JNBT Academy program (download ppt)

Colt starting and correction training  

Balance and natural seat workshops 

Trailer Loading workshops

Foals Imprint Training

Double lunging

Bit Fitting workshops

About Andrzej - the Academy Master

Upcoming Clinics and Courses 2019

10-12.05 L3 Łagów,lubuskie

17-19.05 L1 Gniezno,wlkp

Summer Camps 2019

29.06-06.07  L0 kids camp (film)

29.06-06.07  L1 kids and juniors

06-13.07 L2 juniors (film)

13-20.07 L3/4 juniors (film)

20-27.07  L4/L5 juniors

3-10.08  L1/L5 adults

15-17.08 L3 Wrocław

18.08 Balance and Sit, Wrocław (film)

16-18.08 L1 Szwajcaria

23-25.08 L1 Kraków

30.08-1.09 I European Colt Starting Championship, Karpacz (film 2018 , film 2016)

6-8.09 L1 Sztum, pomorskie

6-8.09 L2 Gorzów

20-22.09 L3 Świnoujście

20-22.09 L4 Kraków

23.09 Trailer Loading Kraków

27-29.09 L3 Pilchowo, Szczecin

27-29.09 L2 Kraków

30.09 Doublelunging II stopnia Kraków

4-6.10 PMK Kalitnik

11-13.10 L1 Tarnów

16-23.10. MOROKO Atlantic Coast

25-27.10 PMK Pilchowo

15-17.11 L3 Kraków

22-30.11 SAHARA Moroko


JNBT Kids Camp 2014 film

Looking for best bits?

Exercising JNBT at Liberty film

Level 1 Trust-film